People questioned me as to why I felt compelled to move on from TX-501 when it was a proven winner when it came to absolute accuracy and cost savings. Well, the world of technology doesn’t stand still and neither does WicketWorks as we are remain committed to our ongoing search for development perfection. There’s always a better, smarter, more cost-efficient way to deal with defect rectification and construction quality management and ACCEDE excels in this field.
ACCEDE is the ideal solution when it comes to trawling through a raft of defects which need to be addressed in a manner which involves all relevant parties. It is efficient, it’s connectivity allows maximum communication between a vast range of players and its cloud-based home means complete ease with regards to deliverance. ACCEDE does complex analysis, but it’s simple to deliver – installation is a thing of the past because software is happily running in the cloud and not confusing your PC. Everyone’s a winner.
Even I am amazed at the seamless movement between an identified issue, its recorded status, management and consequent resolution.
I’m really excited by this latest phase of our defect management system development and I can see that ACCEDE will not only meet, but lead and drive business into a new era of absolute definable, seriously cost-effective management with enhanced collaboration between all project stakeholders. But stay tuned – my quest is not over yet. Check our blog/news page regularly for details of more ACCEDE enhancements as they become available.
Brian McKillop, Director – Development and Support …. and devoted devolper.